Where all are welcome, loved and united in Christ!

New Youth Director Introduction
Jasmine Sanders, M.Div
We’re glad you’re here! Visiting a new church or going to church for the first time even, can be a little intimidating. You might wonder what to expect but our hope is to get you connected to the right people and plugged into our church family.
Whether you are a spiritual seeker just beginning your walk with God or a committed believer continuing your walk with Him - come on in – introduce yourself to one of our ushers and know that you are welcome.
Our Beliefs
Our vision is to build a family of believers that have a passion to reach and connect with God, each other, and the community for the Kingdom of God.
Being led by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to:
Christian education
Dynamic worship
Our mission is to work unto the glory of God abiding by His word in order that the unsaved come to Christ, the backslidden return to Christ, and the spiritually mature continue growing in Christ. We believe the Bible is the final authority regarding all issues of life. We will fulfill God’s mission for our church by: loving God and one another, prayer, expository teaching and preaching, authentic worship, discipleship, evangelism, and ministry empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We are dually aligned with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the National Baptist Association.
Church History
Organized more than 100 years ago under a brush arbor, the McKinney First Baptist Church has a rich heritage of faith and progress.
The church was organized in 1882 by Rev. A. R. Griggs on property belonging to Rev. F. G. Davis, who became the first pastor. The name given was Second Baptist Church and later changed to First Baptist Missionary Church. A new church was built in 1894 during Rev. R. Curry’s pastorage.
Later years’ pastors included Rev. B. J. Bradford; Rev. M. L. Bailey, Rev. J. A. Howard; Rev. J. H. Sanders; Rev. E. J. Rhodes, Rev. Lemuel Harrison; Rev. O. L. Taylor; Rev. H. L. Walters Rev. Lee A. Edwards.
The church celebrated its 100th anniversary during the pastorage of Rev. O. L. Taylor. A Souvenir Book was compiled, a Texas Historical Marker placed in the front of the church and a renovation and expansion was completed through a generous donation from the McDermott Foundation.
Today’s church is growing, focused on serving our Lord through key ministries, connecting with others and building His kingdom.